relationship coaching
"Just the first session brought us closer together than we had been in months."

"The laughter helped us move with ease through the more challenging discussions."
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Relationship Coaching

Relationship/Systems Coaching

Most people understand the concept of Emotional Intelligence. It is our ability to recognize, identify, appropriately read and express emotion. It is a critical component to both individual and organizational relationships, and is a key factor in personal success.

Orangeville relationship coaching

Relationship Intelligence moves further towards both understanding the interaction between yourself and others, and recognizing the RELATIONSHIP itself, as a separate system that is guided by us. The Relationship has its own meaning, flow and energy and much like a river, is ever changing.

In understanding Relationship Intelligence we can move from "Who is doing what to Whom?" to "What is trying to happen in this Relationship"?

At MotionMind partners/teams/organizations learn to navigate the Relationship River. Deep emotions are part of the natural flow of all relationships and not a sign of pathology. The ability to work with the emotional eddies of a relationship or organizational system is part of the skill set of a Relationship/Systems Coach.

Owen Sound relationship coaching

We have many strategies to ease difficult communication topics, and techniques which make communication lighter, so that partners or teams can move forward with respect. A Relationship System, whether consisting of two people or a corporation of 1000's, benefits from the Coaching alliance which gives support, and guidance to the individuals. Alliances move quickly towards mutual goals.

"We had avoided talking about issues, and all of a sudden by learning easy communication strategies, we were discussing/resolving some 'land mines' with ease."

"During our first team exercise our trust level with each other increased dramatically."